February 20, 2002

PRESENT: Jack Spence, Leah Barnlund, Bob Groff (Mid-Can Masters)

Ben VanDenBosch (MMAC)

Catherine Kerr (Winnipeg Masters)

  1. Motion to Approve Agenda: Moved, Kerr; 2nd, Groff; carried.
  2. Motion to Approve Minutes of January 30, 2002: Moved, Kerr; 2nd, Groff; carried.

3.1 Chairman - See Swim Manitoba

3.2 Treasurer

Ben advised he had not received the Special O MSM fees - Jack to contact Jacquie Johnson. MSM to cover the $162 shortfall re bus rental to Kenora as only 32 attended meet (needed ~ 37 to break even). ~$7,476 in bank; GIC of $5,000. To date, 278 swimmers paid up (incl. 14 swimmers in The Pas!).

3.3 Records

Bob to check if Cay’s 200 Free Canadian record posted on MSC website yet. Will also check with Bruce Fisher re: Kenora Meet results. Will take Selkirk off website as that club no longer exists.

3.4 Swim Manitoba

Jack attended Jan. 30 meeting. Issues discussed were:

    1. downgrading from an A to B rating by Sport Mb (and a loss of ~$10,000 in funding). The only problem seems to be the relatively low number of registered competitive swimmers in Manitoba.
    2. Commonwealth Trials - March 19 - 24 at Pan Am Pool.
    1. Aboriginal Indigenous Games - summer (trials are to be held in Portage in April)
  1. Michelle Lichinski is the Swimmer’s Rep. & Heather MacFarlane is the Coach’s Rep. on Board.

Next Swim MB meeting will be regarding their Constitution so do not see a need for MSM to be there.


4.1 Assiniboine - No report.

4.2 MMAC

Ben advised they have 128 members. Water heater in Training Tank always breaking down.

4.3 Mid-Can

No new members. Filter not working well in the University Pool.

4.4 Winnipeg Masters

Cay advised they have 45 members.



6.1 Pentathlon

It was agreed that if there were less than 30 swimmers entered, the meet would be cancelled (to date, only entries were from Kenora - 5 swimmers). Cay is still trying to find out the cost of pool rental (through Swim Mb). City is responsible for setup.

6.2 Provincials

  1. Banquet cost - $17.00 (incl. Tax & Grat.). $3.00/beer (variety) & $3.50 for hard liquor.
  2. Dennis is expecting to get Meet Sanction # this week.
  3. Pool booked.
  4. Meet package to be sent out in the next week or so.
  5. Todd Snyder (Special O) agreed to do Food for the Officials.
    1. Banquet Program/Awards - discuss next meeting.

NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, April 3, 2002 @ 7:00 p.m., Bob’s Office.