Manitoba Masters Aquatic Club Report
Masters Swim Manitoba Annual General Meeting
November 7, 2001
Membership in MMAC has grown significantly over the past year. We are in our 20th year and still going strong. We celebrated our 20th Anniversary in June with a progressive supper and double-decker bus ride.
I believe the increase in our membership is as a result of our good coaching, the variety of swim times we are able to offer, and our ability to accommodate swimmers of differing abilities. We swim Monday through Friday from 6-7 am, Saturday from 7-8:30 am, Sunday from 10-11:30 am, and Tuesday and Thursday nights from 8-9:30 pm. Our coaches are Tom Hainey (Head Coach), Patrick Peacock, Dorothea Osborne, Iga Ziendalski, Ken Czernicki, and Katherine McBurney.
MMAC swimmers attended five swim meets this year. These swim meets were Pop Sidwell, Kenora, Pentathlon, Provincials, and Nationals. Our members at these meets set Canadian and Manitoba records. Our club hosted Provincials, which saw an increase in the number of swimmers participating. Thank you to everyone from Masters Swim Manitoba, the officials, and other swim clubs who enabled the success of Provincials.
Our Club’s planning for this year’s season started with a session in June with Board members and our head coach Tom Hainey. As a result of our planning session, we put into action several new initiatives to enhance our members’ training. We are purchasing equipment to enable MMAC members to participate in dryland training to supplement their sessions in the pool.
At the planning session, we also discussed our club’s requirement for additional pool space and outlined several steps we could take to address this important issue facing our growing membership. In August, we wrote to Swim Manitoba requesting the opportunity to work with them to address this issue. The letter also acted as a way to let them know who we are and our important role in the swimming community as competitive swimmers both provincially and nationally, parents and role models for age class swimmers, triathletes, and officials at swim meets. We have participated in follow up meetings with Swim Manitoba and other pool users to ensure the Pan Am pool is used as effectively as possible and meets the needs of swim clubs and the public.
Thank you to all Masters Swim Manitoba Board members and volunteers for your work in the 2000/2001 season.
Joy Goertzen
Manitoba Masters Aquatic Club