MSM Minutes
Oct 2, 2002
PRESENT: Jack Spence, Leah Barnlund, Bob Groff (Mid-Can)
Glenn Davis, Ben VanDenBosch (MMAC)
Cay Kerr (Winnipeg)
3.1 Chairman
Jack thanked everyone for last year’s work and those who took on extra commitments. There needs to be new people on the Board from each club.
3.2 Treasurer
Ben advised that the Provincials made a profit of $437.14. He also paid Dennis Pickerl the $500 fee for running the meet. What Dennis does with the money is his business. Ben will be paying Swim Manitoba the $8.56/swimmer fee for the 285 masters swimmers registered this past year ($2,439). He paid the previous year’s fees on Oct. 14/01. Once that is paid there will be $2,000 in bank & a $6,048 GIC.
DEFER TO NEW EXECUTIVE: Check what/where/when the insurance fee of $8.56 fee covers.
Jack will look into ordering about 100 new gray meet certificate binders.
3.3 Records
Bob advised that all records, including national ones, are up-to-date on the MSM website.
3.4 Swim Manitoba
Paul Boulding attended Swim Mb board meeting on Sept. 25th as MSM Rep. In order to have an ongoing presence on the Swim Mb board, either Glenn or Paul will attend their monthly board meetings.
DEFER TO NEW EXECUTIVE: Each swimmer who wins a race at the Nationals should be presented with an award at the Annual Swim Manitoba Banquet. This has been done in the past, however, last year Swim Mb did not include masters swimmers. This has to be looked into with Swim Mb to ensure that our swimmers are not missed out again.
3.5 MSC Rep
Glen advised that he is on the Long-Range Planning Committee. Each provincial organization is to prepare a report about what we as a board do for our members, costs etc. This information will be compiled by MSC. The Long-Range Plan will deal with how to promote growth in the sport, how to further accommodate members, etc. At the Nationals this past May, each past-president was recognized with an MSC plaque. The main plaque is in the Pan Am Pool. Montreal will host the Nationals next May, and B.C. (maybe Vancouver) the year after.
4.1 Assiniboine - No Report. Lesley had advised Jack that Nancy Gilchrist will hopefully be attending the board meetings on their behalf in the future.
4.2 MMAC - Glenn advised their new Board is as follows: Glenn Davis, President; Ben VanDenBosch, Treasurer; Cheryl Goldhawk, Vice-President; Rochelle Murrel, Secretary. This includes a cross-section of club members (i.e. morning & evening swimmers). The new club logo has been used to advantage and is displayed on a new 14' x 4' club banner, as well as new swim bags. The improved user-friendly website is structured so that it targets a 25-35 year age group in order to attract new younger members. Ongoing strategic planning - how to meet members needs.
4.3 MSO - No Report. Jack advised that he had spoken to Todd Snyder who said he would still like to be involved with the MSM Board. There is a new MSO Executive Director (Simon Munday). MSO will probably swim in a combination of masters/age group swim meets this year.
4.4 Mid-Can - About 40 members so far - similar to last year at this time. Seem to be new swimmers joining earlier this year. Club is still struggling a bit. Swam over summer except for the 3-week shut down at end of Aug. to mid-Sept.
4.5 Winnipeg - Started back the 2nd week in Sept. Their club was advised by the City of Winnipeg in August that they would have to start paying for 2 Instructor Guards Level 3 and a Clerk. As a result of this, their costs have almost doubled. Therefore, their membership fees had to be doubled and membership is down as a result. They were given very little time (10 days) in which to respond to the initial notice of increase. They complained and new rates do not come into effect until January 1, 2003. Assiniboine Masters is in the same boat.
6.1 Board of Directors Positions - The 2002-2003 MSM Board is as follows:
President Glenn Davis
Vice-President Paul Boulding
Treasurer Ben VanDenBosch
Secretary open
6.2 Communication
DEFER TO NEW EXECUTIVE: There must be better communication between MSM and all masters clubs in the province. What can be done to achieve this?
7.1 Manitoba Sports Dinner - On November 9, 2002, Pop Sidwell is being inducted into the Manitoba Sports Hall of Fame. Because Mid-Can Masters has hosted the Pop Sidwell swim meet for 27 years, it was decided that MSM would cover the cost of 2 tickets ($80 each) so that Mid-Can members Jack Spence and Mickey Stokotelny (Mickey annually runs the meet) could attend. Jack will talk to Mickey. As well, Jack will talk to Rick Brownley, curator of the Hall of Fame re: adding more information about Pop Sidwell to the program.
7.2 Pool Costs
DEFER TO NEW EXECUTIVE: What can be done to generate more new swimmers to help smaller clubs offset these huge pool rental increases? Is there anything that can be done to fight these increases, maybe through Swim Manitoba?
7.3 2002-2003 Swim Meet Schedule
Pop Sidwell - Sat. November 23rd - to be held at newly opened Steinbach Pool (still awaiting the sanction # from Swim Mb). They are very eager to accommodate us, unlike the University. Meet will start much earlier than usual (about 12:30 p.m., rather than 3:00 p.m. as has been happening with the UofM). Kenora will appreciate the earlier start. The Banquet will be held right by the pool at their Golf/Country Club. There has been a very positive reaction to the meet being held in Steinbach. Hopefully, this will help to promote masters swimming.
Kenora - end of Jan., beginning of Feb.?
Pentathlon - March 15th (Sat.)
Provincials - April 26 & 27th
St. Malo - June (might not participate if there continues to be little interest)
DEFER TO NEW EXECUTIVE: Does MSM want to make more of an effort to get swimmers from Manitoba going to the Saskatchewan Provincials and vice versa?
NEXT MEETING: Wednesday, November 6, 2002
VIDEO CAMERA: Glenn Davis (MMAC) MASTERS WATCHES: Leah Barnlund (Mid-Can)